Home / Hiring Topics / Firms Optimistic in Hiring for 2015

Firms Optimistic in Hiring for 2015

job search find vacancy for jobs dream career move help wanted jThe last three months have helped more companies get optimistic about their hiring for 2015 according to new data. Over half of the companies that responded to a survey conducted by the National Association for Business Economics say sales in their organization from October through December rose.

As a recruiter near Boston, we are seeing what the report shows, an increase in the appetite to hire. And hiring in Boston seems to be robust. Over 36 percent of the companies surveyed overall stated that they plan to beef up hiring in the first quarter this year. Some of the industries that are doing big hiring are finance and insurance.

One important part of the research shows that many companies see falling oil prices as a good thing. When oil prices decline, it can have a cascading effect on many other prices in our economy.

Check out the full report here and please contact King & Bishop if you are planning to increase your talent acquisition this year.

