What To Do If You Get Laid Off

If you are laid off from your job there are a few things you should keep in mind. 1. Keep your emotions in check and do not get angry. In most cases of large scale reductions in force, there is buzz going around in advance that something is going to happen. When you are confronted with it, it is normal to become upset but do not act on those feelings. You won’t regret holding back but you will re...
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How to Find a New Job This Summer

Is the summertime a good time to search for a job or do employers back off on hiring? The summer is a great time to job search, and it may give you an edge over others who take the summer off. Also, with online application systems facilitating hiring, the hiring process is working even when the hiring managers are not. So, how do employers decide to start hiring and what are they looking for in ...
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Steady Growth in Administrative Positions

By: Karen Antaramian Gilbert Recent growth in our economy is often heralded by the high demand for technology professionals. As we trend further into 2014 with accelerated job growth, it is important to highlight administrative support positions that go along with strategic staffing plans and goals. As a recruiter in Boston, we are seeing many trends. Here are three of the major trends that will...
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What are the benefits of payrolling?

Payrolling can be beneficial to companies looking to work with temporary positions. With the ever growing complexities regarding health insurance, tax withholding, liability and employment law, leveraging these services to a payroll provider for temporary positions can ease the strain on your business. Below is a list of the benefits: The company is protected from liability by using a payroll s...
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Job Gains Promising in Life Sciences

By: Adam Lentz The job gains in last Thursday's economic release represented good news for all. The life sciences industry has established a healthy trajectory which should bode well for job seekers in coming years. But there will always be factors that have the potential to become major game changers, including cost containment, global souring for services and resources, and accepting of the hig...
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Manufacturing Jobs a Winner in Jobs Report

By: Paul Nannicelli Within the booming jobs report released by the BLS last Thursday July 3, the Manufacturing sector added 16,000 jobs in June, all within durable goods manufacturing. Within durable goods, employment increased in motor vehicles and parts (+6,000) and in computer and peripheral equipment (+3,000). A great sign for our recovery. Our practice at our sister company, Finish Line St...
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Advanced Manufacturing Hiring Strong In Massachusetts

By Neal Fay: Advanced Manufacturing is strong in Massachusetts and hiring is robust. Recruiters in Massachusetts are seeking qualified individuals for many positions around the Bay State but many manufacturers are having a few challenges finding just the right candidates. In a recent Boston Globe article, they found that many manufacturers were not looking in the right places for qualified candi...
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5 Facts about the Cost of a Contract Recruiter

When a company has aggressive hiring goals and they need someone to assist them in hiring, they should consider working with a Contract Recruiter. Take a look at the facts below to learn more about Contract Recruiters and how they can help your company grow. 1. Contract recruiter is paid and billed on an hourly rate. There are many factors that go into the hourly rate. The primary driver of the c...
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Mass Economy Expands- Jobless Fate Falls to 5.6 Percent

The Massachusetts economy appears to be expanding and the numbers out this week may prove that. The Massachusetts jobless rate fell to 5.6 percent, a number not seen since September 2008. Here at King & Bishop, we have seen our clients produce aggressive hiring plans and we have been very busy helping them meet their goals. We have seen gains in hospitality, education and health and the tech sec...
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3 Ways We Can Help Your Small Business

We know that some small businesses when growing, struggle with certain issues around HR. Those can be compliance with new regulations, creating a growth plan and ways to supplement your HR team. Below are some ways that King & Bishop can help your small business. 1. HR Evaluation During the evaluation our experts will speak with the owner to see what the business has for HR. From this evaluation ...
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