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Entrepreneurs Do Create Jobs

By Adam Lentz:

job search find vacancy for jobs search job online job applicatiThis week, the Global Entrepreneurship Index was released. This measures the health of small business start ups. In short, the US leads the pack in terms of entrepreneurship and start ups in the world. We all know that small business is the backbone of the US economy and that’s because small business leads the way in job creation. Last month alone, small business created over 102,000 new positions of the total 230, 000 jobs created in the US for October according to the ADP Employment Report.

There are some remarkable start ups not only in this country but in many other countries that help to foster entrepreneurship such as Canada, the UK and in the Middle East. As a recruiter in Boston we are seeing a number of small businesses create positions for this growing economy.

Take a few minutes to read this article we found about how global startups are leading the way in job creation both here and abroad.

